Robotic Process Automation with Automation Anywhere
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The actions used for handling errors are all designed to manage different aspects of each error. We know a bot runs a sequence of actions. Each bot can have multiple error-handling routines. If there is a particular part of your bot that is vulnerable to an error, you would wrap those actions within a Try action. This would assign the action or actions as a block within the Try action. Any action within the Try action is managed by the error-handling routine. If any action was to fail from within the Try block, the bot would move directly to the Catch action for that error handler. Here, you would instruct the bot on what to do if an error was to occur. The most common actions would be to log the details to an error log file, maybe take a screenshot, or even send an email. The bot will continue to process any further actions in its routine without stopping.
All the actions within the Finally block are expected regardless of whether...