Robotic Process Automation with Automation Anywhere
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Whenever we use an external data source, no matter what type this may be, a connection needs to be established. Once we have consumed the data, the connection needs to be closed. Not only does this apply to Automation Anywhere but to most development platforms. How we make this connection is where it differs. Automation Anywhere refers to this connection as a session. We will create various types of sessions as we progress through this book. We have already created sessions when connecting with CSV files.
The first thing we need to learn about Excel is how to open, close, and save workbooks. So, we'll start off with a simple walk-through. You will open an Excel workbook, save it, and close it. For this walk-through, we will use the sample workbook Chapter11_Catalog.xlsx
from the GitHub repository.
Let's start this walk-through by executing the following steps: