Mastering Office 365 Administration
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There is actually very, very little you can do to administrate Forms. You can turn Forms on or off for individual users in the Office 365 administration portal, but there's no central place you can visit to see the Forms users have created or to change any information about them. For this reason, it's a good idea to centralize who's allowed to create Forms.
Users can only create Forms if Microsoft Forms is turned on for them, but they can use Forms that others have created, so you can limit who is permitted to create them without limiting who can use them. Letting everyone in your company create Forms can cause an administrative nightmare since there's so little ability to manage them centrally.
If a user creates Forms that are important to your company and then leaves, you will have to maintain that user's license indefinitely. It might be best to create specialized accounts for the purpose of creating Forms and then share the login information with whoever needs access.