JIRA 7 Essentials
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JIRA lets you make changes to both active and inactive workflows. However, with active workflows, there are several restrictions:
Existing workflow steps cannot be deleted
The associated status for an existing step cannot be edited
If an existing step has no outgoing transitions, it cannot have any new outgoing transitions added
If you need to make these changes, you will have to either deactivate the workflow by removing the associations of the workflow with all projects or create a copy of the workflow.
You can always make a copy of the active workflow, make your changes, and then swap the original with the copied workflow in your workflow scheme.
When editing an active workflow, you are actually making changes to a draft copy of the workflow created by JIRA. All the changes you make will not be applied until you publish your draft.
Do not forget to publish your draft after you have made your changes.
Publishing a draft is a very simple process. All you have...