JIRA 7 Essentials
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The issue navigator is the primary interface where you will be performing all of your searches in JIRA. You can access the issue navigator by clicking on the Issues menu in the top menu bar and then selecting Search for issues.
The issue navigator is divided into several sections. The first section is where you will specify all of your search criteria, such as the project you want to search in and the issue type you are interested in. The second section shows the search results brought back. The third section includes the operations that you can perform on the search results, such as exporting them in a different format. The fourth and last section lists a number of useful, pre-configured, and user-created filters.
When you access the issue navigator for the first time, you will be in the basic search (we will discuss the different search options in more detail later in this chapter). If you previously visited the issue navigator and chose to use a different search option...