JIRA 7 Essentials
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Scrum and Kanban are the two agile software development methodologies that have been supported in JIRA through an add-on called JIRA Agile. Starting with JIRA 7, Atlassian has added this support into their JIRA Software offering, making agile support a first-class citizen in the product.
If you are already familiar with Scrum and Kanban, feel free to skip this section. However, if you come from a more traditional waterfall model and are new to the agile movement, then here is an overview of them both. I would strongly recommend that you pick up an additional resource to learn more about each of the methodologies. A good place to start is the Kanban Scrum minibook, https://www.infoq.com/minibooks/kanban-scrum-minibook.
Scrum is different to the waterfall model, in that it prescribes the notion of iteration. With Scrum, a project is divided into a number of iterations, called sprints, each lasting between two to four weeks, with the goal of producing a fully tested and...