JIRA 7 Essentials
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Now that we have seen how to use JIRA Software to run both Scrum and Kanban projects, let's take a look at how to customize our agile board. Since JIRA Software is built on top of JIRA Core, many of its customization options leverage the core features of JIRA. So if you are not familiar with some of these features, such as workflows, do not worry, we will cover these in high level in context of agile board, and dive into the details of each in later chapters.
For both Scrum and Kanban, the board's columns are mapped to the workflow used by the project and the default workflow created is very simple. For example, the default Scrum workflow contains three statuses: To Do, In Progress, and Done. However, this is often not enough, as projects will have additional steps in their development cycle, such as testing and review. To add new columns to your board, follow these steps:
Browse to your project's agile board.
Click on the Board menu and select...