Building Business Websites with Squarespace 7: RAW

If you have a blog on your website, allowing visitors to comment on your posts is a great way to engage with people who are interested in what you have to say. However, allowing comments can also potentially leave you vulnerable to comment spam, or give an open platform to unhappy customers, competitors, or just plain nasty people to air their grievances. The benefits of visitor engagement usually far outweigh the negatives, but you may want to consider enabling moderation on your comments, meaning the comments will not be published until you or one of your colleagues approve them. You can also allow comments to be flagged by other site visitors, which will alert you to any comments that they find offensive or inappropriate. If you did not already configure your comments settings in the last chapter, you can do this or adjust them by visiting Settings | Blogging | Comments Settings.
All comment management takes place in the Comments panel, accessed from the...
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