TLS Cryptography In-Depth
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We’ll now turn to the original theme of this book, TLS and the cryptographic tools it is made of. TLS is a protocol designed to protect data sent over the internet, so we’ll start with a brief look into the early history of the internet.
Despite its origins as a research project financed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the research agency of the Department of Defence of the United States, most of the main physical components of the internet, such as cables, routers, gateways, and so on, can be (and are) accessed by untrusted third parties. In the early days of the internet, this was not considered a problem, and very few (if any) security measures were introduced into TCP and IP, the internet’s main protocol workhorses, and none of them involved cryptography. However, with more and more people using the internet, and the ever increasing available bandwidth, more and more services kept appearing on the internet, and it was quickly realized that to do real business over the internet, a certain amount of trust was needed that sensitive data such as credit card numbers or passwords did not fall into the wrong hands. Cryptography provides the answer to this problem, because it can guarantee confidentiality (i.e., no one can read the data in transit) and authenticity (i.e., you can verify that you are talking to the right party). TLS and its predecessor SSL are the protocols that implement cryptography on the internet in a secure, usable way.
Starting in 1995, SSL was shipped together with Netscape Navigator to clients. While server-side adoption of SSL was slow at first, by the end of 2021, according to the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG), 83% of web pages loaded by Firefox globally used HTTPS, that is HTTP secured via TLS [87].
Figure 1.4: Percentage of web pages loaded by Firefox using HTTPS [88]
This is a huge success for TLS and the field of cryptography in general, but with it also comes a huge responsibility: we need to constantly monitor whether the algorithms, key lengths, modes of operations, and so on used within TLS are still secure. Moreover, we need to understand how secure algorithms work and how they can interact with each other in a secure way so that we can design secure alternatives if needed.
Maybe we should already stress at this early stage that TLS is not a remedy for all the problems mentioned here. TLS provides channel-based security, meaning that it can only protect data in transit between a client and a server. TLS is very successful in doing so, and how in detail TLS uses cryptography to achieve this goal is the main theme of this book. However, once the data leaves the secure channel, it is up to the endpoints (i.e., client and server) to protect it.
Moreover, cryptography by itself is useless in isolation. To have any practical effect, it has to be integrated into a much larger system. And to ensure that cryptography is effectively protecting that system, there must be no security holes left that would allow an attacker to circumvent its security.
There is a well-known saying among cybersecurity professionals that the security of a system is only as strong as its weakest link. Because there are so many ways to circumvent security – especially in complex systems – cryptography, or rather the cryptographic primitives a system uses, is rarely the weakest link in the chain.
There is, however, one important reason why cryptography is fundamental for the security of information systems, even if there are other security flaws and vulnerabilities. An attacker who is able to break cryptography cannot be detected because a cryptanalytic attack, that is, the breaking of a cryptographic protocol, mechanism or primitive, in most cases leaves no traces of the attack.
If the attacker’s goal is to read the communication, they can simply passively listen to the communication, record the messages and decrypt them later. If the attacker’s goal is to manipulate the target system, they can simply forge arbitrary messages and the system will never be able to distinguish these messages from benign ones sent by legitimate users.
While there are many other sources of insecurity (e.g., software bugs, hardware bugs, and social engineering), the first line of defense is arguably secure communication, which in itself requires a secure channel. And cryptography as a scientific discipline provides the building blocks, methods, protocols, and mechanisms needed to realise secure communication.
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