Kali Linux: Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide, Second Edition
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Follow the given instructions to get started:
We double-check the eap.conf
file to ensure that PEAP is enabled:
We then restart the RADIUS server with radiusd –s –X
We monitor the log file created by FreeRADIUS-WPE:
Windows has native support for PEAP. Let's ensure that certificate verification has been turned off:
We need to click on the Configure tab that is next to Secured password and tell Windows not to automatically use our Windows logon name and password:
We will also have to force it to select User authentication in the Advanced Settings dialog box:
Once the client connects to the access point, the client is prompted for a user name and
password. We use Monster
as the user name and abcdefghi
as the password:
As soon as we do this, we are able to see the MSCHAP-v2 challenge response appear in the log file:
We now use asleap
to crack this using a password list file that contains the password abcdefghi
, and we are able to crack the password! (For the purposes...