Kali Linux: Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide, Second Edition
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Follow these instructions to get started:
Let's first set up our legitimate access point with WEP for the network Wireless Lab with the ABCDEFABCDEFABCDEF12
key in Hex:
Let's connect our client to it and verify that the connection is successful using airodump-ng
, as shown in the following screenshot:
Let's unplug the access point and ensure that the client is in the un-associated stage and searches for the WEP network Wireless Lab.
Now we use airbase-ng
to bring up an access point with Wireless Lab as the SSID, with the parameters as shown here:
As soon as the client connects to this access point, airbase-ng
starts the Caffe Latte attack, as shown here:
We now start airodump-ng to collect the data packets from this access point only, as we did before in the WEP cracking scenario:
We also start aircrack-ng
as in the WEP-cracking exercise we did before to begin the cracking process. The command line will be aircrack-ng filename
, where the filename...