ASP.NET Core 5 for Beginners
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In the software engineering world, most applications require a database to store data. So, we all need code to read/write the data stored in a database. Creating and maintaining code for a database is tedious work and it is a real challenge for us as developers. That's where Object Relational Mappers (ORMs) like Entity Framework come into play.
Entity Framework Core is an ORM and a data access technology that enables C# developers to interact with a database without having to manually write SQL scripts. ORMs like EF Core help you build data-driven applications quickly by working through .NET objects instead of interacting directly with the database schema. These .NET objects are simply classes, which are typically referred to as Entities. With EF Core, C# developers can take advantage of their existing skills and leverage the power of Language Integrated Query (LINQ) to manipulate the dataset against the conceptual Entity Models,...