ASP.NET Core 5 for Beginners
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A to-do application is a great example to demonstrate how to perform adding and modifying information on a web page. Understanding how this works in the stateless nature of the web is of great value when building real-world, data-driven web applications.
Before we get started, let's take a quick refresher on MVC first so that you have a better understanding of what it is.
To better understand the MVC pattern approach, Figure 4.7 illustrates an attempt that describes the high-level process in a graphical way:
Figure 4.7 – The MVC request and response flow
The preceding diagram is pretty much self-explanatory by just looking at the request flow. But to verify your understanding, it might be helpful to give a brief explanation of the process. The term MVC represents the three components that make up the application: M for Models, V for Views, and C for Controllers. In the...