C# 7 and .NET Core: Modern Cross-Platform Development

To write high quality applications, we need to be able to monitor the speed and efficiency of our code.
What is the best type to use for a scenario? To answer this question, we need to carefully consider what we mean by best. We should consider the following factors:
Functionality: This can be decided by checking whether the type provides the features you need
Memory size: This can be decided by the number of bytes of memory the type takes up
Performance: This can be decided by how fast the type is
Future needs: This depends on the changes in requirements and maintainability
There will be scenarios, such as storing numbers, where multiple types have the same functionality, so we will need to consider the memory and performance to make a choice.
If we need to store millions of numbers, then the best type to use would be the one that requires the least number of bytes of memory. If we only need to store a few numbers...
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