SoapUI Cookbook
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Running load tests from scripts is something you may well want to do in the context of continuous integration, probably following successful functional tests. This recipe builds mainly on the Running mocks and tests using Maven recipe of Chapter 5, Automation and Scripting, to show how to run load tests using the SoapUI Maven plugin.
The instructions assume you're comfortable with Maven or have at least completed the chapter 5
Maven recipe.
When applied to load tests, Maven is possibly the most different of the various scripting approaches covered in Chapter 5, Automation and Scripting. That's why it's covered in full detail here. Brief details on how to run load tests using the command line, Java, Groovy, and Gradle are provided in the There's more… section at the end.
The load test example we're going to use here is the one from the first recipe. You'll also need the invoicev3 service to be running...