SoapUI Cookbook
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This recipe covers the changes required to make the H2 database implementation from the previous recipe work with a RESTful web service mock. The main differences will be when working with the request and response data, as the REST version will use JSON invoice content.
All H2 database-related setup from the previous recipe is required, as is the invoices_with_headers.csv
test data file.
In terms of the example RESTful web service to mock, we'll use the invoice CRUD service interface from Chapter 1, Testing and Developing Web Service Stubs With SoapUI. The generated WADL definition for the service can be found at <chapter 3 samples/invoice_crud_v1.wadl
The SoapUI project for this recipe is called RESTMock-soapui-project.xml
, and can be found in the Chapter 3
REST mocks are very similar in structure to SOAP ones. As before, we first need a SoapUI project. Then, we'll create a REST mock and add code...