SoapUI Cookbook
By :

When developing extensions, plugins, and scripts, you may need to display alerts, prompts, and confirmations. The UISupport
class can help with this! It's a rather large class with a lot of capabilities in addition to those mentioned. In this recipe, we'll look at a few examples to get you started. It's quick and easy to use!
The UISupportExamplesProject
project containing the Groovy examples from this recipe can be found in the chapter 11
As a quick demonstration, we'll just use a Groovy TestStep
to run a few examples. The examples will also work in plugin extensions.
The first thing we need to do is import the class:
import com.eviware.soapui.support.UISupport
To display an info popup, enter and run:
UISupport.showInfoMessage("Hello from UISupport!")
To display a question prompt with default value and capture the answer as a String:
String answer = UISupport.prompt("Question","Title","default value")
For a prompt...