SwiftUI Cookbook
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Chapter 1, Using the Basic SwiftUI Views and Controls, explains how to implement various SwiftUI layout components, such as HStack, VStack, ZStack, LazyHStack, LazyVStack, LazyHGrid, LazyVGrid, and other layout components. It also covers how to capture various user gestures and how to use form fields. This chapter covers the basic building blocks for creating SwiftUI apps.
Chapter 2, Going Beyond the Single Component with List and Scroll Views, explains how to implement Lists, ScrollViews, and Expanding views. Learn to improve the load time of large data by using Lazy Grids and Lazy Stacks.
Chapter 3, Viewing while Building with SwiftUI Preview, explains how to unleash the power and capabilities of SwiftUI previews to speed up UI development time.
Chapter 4, Creating New Components and Grouping Views in Container Views, explains how to group views, use container views, and implement architectural views such as NavigationView and TabView.
Chapter 5, Presenting Extra Information to the User, provides various ways of presenting extra information to the user, such as alerts, modals, context menus, and popovers.
Chapter 6, Drawing with SwiftUI, explains how to implement drawings in SwiftUI by using built-in shapes, and drawing custom paths and polygons, using UIBezierPath and CGPath.
Chapter 7, Animating with SwiftUI, explains how to implement basic animations, spring animations, and implicit and delayed animations, as well as how to combine transitions, create custom transitions, and create asymmetric transitions.
Chapter 8, Driving SwiftUI with Data, explains how to use the SwiftUI binding mechanism to populate and change views when the bounded data changes.
Chapter 9, Driving SwiftUI with Combine, explains how to integrate Combine to drive the changes of the SwiftUI views. You'll explore how to validate forms, fetch data asynchronously from the network, and test Combine-based apps.
Chapter 10, Handling Authentication and Firebase with SwiftUI, explains how to implement authentication in your app and store user information.
Chapter 11, Handling Core Data in SwiftUI, explains how to implement persistence using SwiftUI and Core Data, saving, deleting, and modifying objects in a Core Data local database.
Chapter 12, Cross-Platform SwiftUI, explains how to create a cross-platform SwiftUI app that works on iOS, macOS, and watchOS.
Chapter 13, SwiftUI Tips and Tricks, covers several SwiftUI tips and tricks that will help you solve a number of common problems, such as testing the views, integrating a MapKit view, and using custom fonts.