SwiftUI Cookbook
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iOS comes with many preinstalled fonts that can be safely used in SwiftUI.
However, sometimes the design needs some custom fonts because they might be a part of the brand of the app maker, for example.
In this recipe, we'll see how to import a couple of custom fonts to use for building a menu page of an Italian restaurant.
Create a SwiftUI app called MenuApp
Copy the customs fonts Sacramento, Oleo Script Regular, and Oleo Script Bold, which you can find in the repo: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/SwiftUI-Cookbook/tree/master/Resources/Chapter13/recipe8.
To use the fonts, they must be declared in the Info.plist
file. Add the font names to the entry Fonts provided by application in Info.plist
. The value of each of them must be its complete font name:
Fig. 13.30 – Custom fonts in Info.plist
Finally, the fonts must be copied during the installation, so add them in the Copy Bundle Resources...