SwiftUI Cookbook
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Unit testing or test-driven-development are not buzzwords anymore, and in the iOS ecosystem, they are taken almost for granted. Any iOS developer should know the test tools and how to apply them.
XCTest and XCUITest are mature frameworks, and so you'd expect to have something similar for SwiftUI.
Unfortunately, SwiftUI doesn't come with any test capabilities from Apple. To test a SwiftUI view, you could rely on either UI Testing, which is flaky by nature, or use snapshot testing, as you can see in the recipe Snapshot testing SwiftUI views.
However, the beauty of open source is that given a problem, somehow, the community finds a solution.
This is the case with the unit testing SwiftUI and ViewInspector
, a framework for the inspection and testing of SwiftUI views.
In this recipe, we'll implement a simple SwiftUI view with some interaction, and we'll see how to test its structure and activity.