SwiftUI Cookbook
By :

Just like lazy stacks, lazy grids use lazy loading to display content on the screen. They initialize only the subset of the items that would soon be displayed on the screen as the user scrolls. SwiftUI 2 introduced the LazyVGrid
and LazyHGrid
views. Let's implement a lazy grid that displays some text in this recipe.
Create a new SwiftUI iOS project and name it UsingLazyGrids
We'll implement a LazyVGrid
and LazyHGrid
view inside a Stack
view so as to observe both views in action on a single page. The steps are as follows:
struct's body variable, let's create an array of GridItem
columns. The GridItem
struct is used to configure the layout of LazyVGrid
:let columns = [ GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 100)) ]
rows that define the layout that would be used in LazyHGrid
:let rows = [ GridItem(.flexible()), GridItem(.flexible()), GridItem(.flexible()) ]
let colors: [Color] = [.green,.red, .yellow,.blue]
view in the body view with a VStack
component and a scroll view.LazyVGrid
view and a ForEach
struct that iterates over the numbers 1
and displays the number in a Text
view:VStack { ScrollView { LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing:20) { ForEach(1...999, id:\.self){ index in Text("Item \(index)") } } } }
modifier, a background modifier that uses the value of the current index to pick a color from our color array, and the clipshape()
modifier to give each Text
view a capsule shape:… ForEach(1...999, id:\.self){ index in Text("Item \(index)") .padding(EdgeInsets(top: 30, leading: 15, bottom: 30, trailing: 15)) .background(colors[index % colors.count]) .clipShape(Capsule()) } …
. You will notice that everything else is the same as the LazyVGrid
view except for the column
parameter that's changed to a row
parameter:VStack { … ScrollView(.horizontal) { LazyHGrid(rows: rows, spacing:20) { ForEach(1...999, id:\.self){ index in Text("Item \(index)") .foregroundColor(.white) .padding(EdgeInsets(top: 30, leading: 15, bottom: 30, trailing: 15)) .background(colors[index % colors. count]) .clipShape(Capsule()) } } } }
The resulting preview should look as follows:
Figure 2.13 – The UsingLazyStacks app
Run the app in the preview and vertically scroll through LazyVGrid
and horizontally scroll through LazyHGrid
. Observe how smoothly the scrolling occurs despite the fact that our data source contains close to 2,000 elements. Scrolling stays responsive because all our content is lazily loaded.
One of the fundamental concepts of using lazy grids involves understanding how to define the LazyVGrid
columns or the LazyHGrid
rows. The LazyVGrid
column variable was defined as an array containing a single GridItem
component but causes three rows to be displayed. GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 80))
tells SwiftUI to use at least 80 units of width for each item and place as many items as it can along the same row. Thus, the number of items displayed on a row may increase when the device is changed from portrait to landscape orientation, and vice versa.
, on the other hand, fills up each row as much as possible:
let rows = [ GridItem(.flexible()), GridItem(.flexible()), GridItem(.flexible()) ]
Adding three GridItem(.flexible())
components divides the available space into three equal rows for data display. Remove or add more GridItem(.flexible())
components to the row array and observe how the number of rows decreases or increases.
We provide two parameters to our lazy grids: a columns
parameter that specifies the layout of the grid and a spacing
parameter that defines the spacing between the grid and the next item in the parent view.