SwiftUI Cookbook
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You probably already know about Lottie (https://airbnb.design/lottie/), which is a library for embedding animations made in Adobe After Effects in iOS.
Lottie fills the gap between motion designers and developers; designers can implement their animations using their favorite tool and then export them in JSON format to be used by developers, reproduced in high quality on a device. In this recipe, we'll use an animation downloaded from https://lottiefiles.com/, where you can find thousands of animations, either free or paid, so it is definitely a website to keep an eye on.
In this recipe, we'll use a resource, filling-heart.json
, that we can find in the GitHub repo, and we'll import Lottie using Xcode's Swift Package Manager integration.
Let's start by creating a SwiftUI project called LottieInSwiftUI
Then, add the filling-heart.json
file, which you can find in the GitHub repo at https://github.com/PacktPublishing...