iOS Application Development with OpenCV 3
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The iOS SDK and OpenCV provide several programming interfaces for camera control. Within the iOS SDK, AVFoundation is the general-purpose framework for all recording and playback of audiovisual (AV) content. AVFoundation provides complete access to the iOS camera's parameters, including the image format, focus, exposure, flash, frame rate, and digital zoom (crop factor). However, AVFoundation does not solve any GUI problems. The application developer may create a custom camera GUI, use a higher-level framework that provides a GUI, or automate the camera so that it operates without GUI input. AVFoundation is sufficiently flexible to support any of these designs, but this flexibility comes at a price as AVFoundation is complex.
The official AVFoundation Programming Guide is located at https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/AVFoundationPG.
The iOS SDK implements a standard camera GUI in the UIImagePickerController
class, which...