iOS Application Development with OpenCV 3
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Using the techniques we have learned thus far, we can build an app for iOS simulators and local iOS devices. For this, we do not require permission from Apple, and we do not need to purchase anything except a Mac for our development environment and any iOS devices for our testing.
On the other hand, if we want to distribute an app to other testers or publish it on the App Store, we must take a few more steps, spend a bit more money, and obtain permission from Apple. For details, see Apple's official App Distribution Guide at https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide. Briefly, a typical distribution process involves the following steps:
Publishing an app (or a book!) is a significant undertaking and can be invigorating and humbling at the same time. Publication entails an ongoing responsibility to validate, fix, and promote your work and support your customers. This book's role is to impart valuable technical skills so that you can develop your own publishable projects in the field of computer vision!