The following is a screenshot of the HTML JavaScript client we will build to control T.A.R.A.S over the network. The HTML JavaScript client won't win any design awards, but it will serve as an excellent learning platform for sending robot control information over the internet:

The big purple buttons are used to send Forward and Backwards commands to T.A.R.A.S. The smaller green buttons send Turn Left and Turn Right control information to T.A.R.A.S. The small silver buttons at the bottom allow us to take a picture using the camera from T.A.R.A.S, set off an alarm on T.A.R.A.S, and make T.A.R.A.S dance. The Track Distance button connects the HTML JavaScript client to distance information coming from T.A.R.A.S.
We will track control information using the dashboard in CloudMQTT before we build a Python MQTT client...