The Raspbian OS is considered the default or go-to operating system for the Raspberry Pi. In this section, we will install Raspbian using the NOOBS image.

Internet of Things Programming Projects
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The Raspbian OS is considered the default or go-to operating system for the Raspberry Pi. In this section, we will install Raspbian using the NOOBS image.
Raspberry Pi uses a microSD card to store the operating system. This allows you to easily switch between different operating systems (system images) for your Raspberry Pi. We will be installing the default Raspbian OS for our projects using the NOOBS image.
Start by inserting the microSD card into a USB adapter and plug it into your computer:
You may need to format the microSD card. If so, use the utilities appropriate for your computer's operating system to format the card to FAT32. It is recommended that you use a card with a capacity of 8 GB or greater. For Windows OS and cards with 64 GB of capacity or greater, a third-party tool such as FAT32 format should be used for formatting.
Unzip the NOOBS image that you downloaded. Open up the unzipped directory and drag the files over to the microSD card.
The files should look the same as in the following screenshot:
We will now install Raspbian on our Raspberry Pi. This step should be familiar to those that have previous experience installing operating systems such as Windows or macOS. The Raspbian operating system will be installed and will run off of our microSD card.
To install Raspbian onto our microSD card, do the following: