Build Supercomputers with Raspberry Pi 3
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This book explains how to build and operate a powerful eight or 16-node Pi2 or Pi3 supercomputer. You will be provided detailed systematic instructions on installing the Linux/Ubuntu operating system on your PC, and its use in configuring, communicating with, and ultimately operating your Pi supercomputer.
Initially, you will learn how to write and run a serial and a Message Passing Interface (MPI) π code on your PC, which is then used as a one-node supercomputer. Armed with this knowledge, you will then configure a Pi one-node, 4-core supercomputer on which you subsequently run the previous mentioned MPI π code. Next, you will assemble a two-node, 8-core Pi supercomputer on which, again, you will execute said MPI π code, and finally, you will construct an eight or 16-node Pi supercomputer, which you will employ to solve complex calculations incorporating the MPI construct.