Essential Statistics for Non-STEM Data Analysts
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With that, you have reached the last part of this book. In this section, I am going to recommend some of the best books on data science, statistics, and machine learning I've found, all of which can act as companions to this book. I have grouped them into categories and shared my personal thoughts on them.
Books that fall into this category are read like textbooks and are often used as textbooks or at least reference books in universities. Their quality has been proven and their value is timeless.
The first one is Statistical Inference by George Casella, 2nd Edition, which book covers the first several chapters of this book. It contains a multitude of useful exercises and practices, all of which are explained in detail. It is hard to get lost when reading this book.
The second book is The Elements of Statistical Learning by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman, 2nd Edition. This book is the bible of traditional statistical...