Interactive Visualization and Plotting with Julia
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This section will showcase the basics of visualizing graphs in Julia using the GraphPlot
, GraphRecipes
, and GraphMakie
packages. Other packages aim to plot graphs in Julia that we will not cover in this book; among those, there’s TikzGraphs
, SankeyPlots
, and EcologicalNetworksPlots
. Different packages have different strengths; let’s focus on the three that we will explore in this chapter. First, we have the GraphPlot
package, which has a straightforward interface. It has a single function, named gplot
, with a few keyword arguments that are useful for quickly visualizing graphs. GraphPlot
, similar to Gadfly
, uses Compose
to render the images. Therefore, it produces nice-looking bi-dimensional plots.
Then, we have the GraphRecipes
package, which contains a collection of Plots recipes. You can benefit from the different Plots
backends when working with this package. GraphRecipes
also offers a function for visualizing graphs: graphplot
. This...