Interactive Visualization and Plotting with Julia
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In Makie, we can think of the Figure
object as the main plot element. It contains a GridLayout
that will determine the location of the different plot components in the figure. Therefore, Makie’s Figure
is similar to the plot object from Plots
. The pieces we can arrange on GridLayout
are called layoutables. We can find Axis
, Label
, Legend
, and Colorbar
among the many layoutables available. While Plots
locates most of those elements in the subplots, Makie gives us the freedom to arrange them in Figure
. We will learn more about how to place layoutables in Makie’s GridLayout
in Chapter 11, Defining Plot Layouts to Create Figure Panels.
The Axis
layoutable object contains the axes for our plot, and we plot our data in it. Makie axes components are similar to those of the Plots
package, which we saw in the previous section. Axis
objects include the spines and the decorations: the x- and y-axis labels, the ticks and grid, and...