Interactive Visualization and Plotting with Julia
By :

In the previous sections, we have learned some essentials about Julia. In this last section, we will learn how to use Julia for the creation of basic plots. For now, we will use the Plots
package and its default backend, GR, but we are going to explore more deeply the Julia plotting ecosystem in the next chapter.
Let's start exploring the Plots
syntax by creating a line plot, the default plot type. Line plots represent a series of related points by drawing a straight line between them.
The plot
function of the Plots
package can take different inputs. Plots usually take data from the positional arguments and attributes that modify the plot in the keyword arguments. The most common way to pass a series of data points is by giving their coordinates using two different vectors or ranges, one for x and the other for y. Let's do our first plot; you can choose whatever development environment you want to follow these steps:
x = 0:10 y = sqrt.(x)
using Plots
to load the Plots
package.plot(x, y)
to create your first line plot. Depending on the development environment, the plot will appear in different ways – in a new window for the Julia REPL, in the plot pane for VS Code, or inline inside the notebook for Jupyter and Pluto. You will see a plot like the one in the following figure:Figure 1.6 – A line plot
Great, you now have your first Julia plot! It is nice, but as we only took a few points from the sqrt
function, the line has some sharp edges, most noticeably around x equal to one. Thankfully, Plots
offers a better way to plot functions that adapts the number of points based on the function's second derivative. To plot a function in this way, you only need to give the function as the first argument and use the second and third positional arguments to indicate the initial and last values of x respectively – for example, to create a smooth line, the previous example becomes the following:
plot(sqrt, 0, 10)
Note that you can use your x coordinates by providing them as the second positional argument. That avoids calculating the optimal grid, so plot(sqrt, x)
creates a plot identical to the first one shown in Figure 1.6.
If you give two functions as the first arguments and a domain or vector, Plots
will use the latter as input for each function, and the first function will calculate the coordinates of x and the second function the coordinates of y – for example, you can define a unit circle using an angle in radians, from zero to two times pi, by defining x as the cosine of the angle and y as its sine:
plot(cos, sin, 0, 2pi, ratio=:equal)
Note that this code uses the ratio
keyword argument, to ensure that we see a circle. Also, we have used Julia's numeric literal coefficient syntax to multiply 2
by the pi
constant. The resulting plot is as follows:
Figure 1.7 – A unit circle
In the last example, we indicated the limits of the domain, but as we said, we can also use a vector or range. For instance, try running the following:
angles = range(0, 2pi, length=100)
plot(cos, sin, angles, ratio=:equal)
In this case, we created a range using the range
function to indicate the number of points we want in the plot with the length
keyword argument.
We have just seen multiple ways to plot a single line, from specifying its points to using a function to let it determine them. Let's now see how to create a single plot with various lines.
In the previous examples, we have plotted only one data series per plot. However, Plots
allows you to superpose multiple series with different attributes into each plot. The main idea is that each column, vector, range, or function defines its series. For example, let's create a plot having two series, one for the sin
function and the other for the cos
function, using these multiple ways:
X = range(0, 2pi, length=100)
.plot([sin, cos], X)
. Here, we have used a vector containing the two functions as the first argument. Each function on the vector defines a series with different labels and colors. Note that both series use the same values for the x axis.plot(X, [sin.(X), cos.(X)])
. You will get the same plot; however, we have used different inputs. The first positional argument is the range that indicates the coordinates for x. The second argument is a vector of vectors, as sin.(X)
, for example, uses the dot broadcasting syntax to return a vector, with the result of applying the sin
function to each element of X
.Y = hcat(sin.(X), cos.(X)) plot(X, Y)
Note that Y
is now a matrix with 100 rows and 2 columns. We are using the hcat
function to concatenate the two vectors resulting from the broadcasting operations. As we said, each column defines a series. The resulting plot appears in the following figure and should be identical to the previous ones:
Figure 1.8 – A plot of the two data series
In Plots
, each column defines a series, as in the last example. When one dimension represents multiple series, Plots
repeats the dimension, having only one vector or range to match the series. That's the reason why we didn't need a matrix for x also in those examples.
Let's see how to apply different attributes to each series. In Plots
, attributes indicated as vectors apply to a single series, while those defined through matrices apply to multiple ones – for example, the following code creates the plot in Figure 1.9:
plot([sin, cos], 0:0.1:2pi,
labels=["sin" "cos"],
linecolor=[:orange :green],
linewidth=[1, 5])
Here, we are using the x-axis domain values from 0
to 2pi
, with a step distance of 0.1
units. ["sin" "cos"]
defines a matrix with one row and two columns, as spaces rather than commas separate the elements. We can see in Figure 1.9 that the labels
attribute has assigned, for example, the string on the first column as the label of the first series. The same happens with linecolor
, as we have also used a two-column matrix for it. On the contrary, [1, 5]
defines a vector with two elements, and Plots
has applied the same vector as the linewidth
attribute of each series. So, both lines are getting a thin segment followed by a thick one. Because the number of elements in the vector given to linewidth
is lower than the number of line points, Plots
warns about this attribute value. The following figure shows the rendered plot:
Figure 1.9 – Different series attributes
We have learned how to create multiple series in a single plot using matrix columns and a vector of vectors, ranges, or functions. While the examples only showed line plots, you can do the same for scatter and bar plots, among others. Before introducing other plots types, let's see how to add a data series to a previously created plot.
Another way to add series to a plot is by modifying it using bang functions. In Julia, function names ending with a bang indicate that the function modifies its inputs. The Plots
package defines many of those functions to allow us to modify previous plots. Plots' bang functions are identical to those without the bang, but they take the plot object to modify as the first argument. For example, let's create the same plot as Figure 1.8 but this time using the plot!
function to add a series:
plt = plot(sin, 0, 2pi)
to create the plot for the first series and store the resulting plot object in the plt
variable.plot!(plt, cos)
to add a second series for the cos
function to plt
. This returns the modified plot, which looks identical to the one in Figure 1.8.If we do not indicate the plot
object to modify as the first argument of a Plots
bang function, Plots
will change the last plot created. So, the previous code should be equivalent to running plot(sin, 0, 2pi)
and then plot!(cos)
. However, this feature can cause problems with Pluto reactivity. So, throughout this book, we will always make explicit which plot object we want to modify.
Here, we have used the plot!
function to add another line plot on top of a preexistent one. But the Plots
package offers more bang functions, allowing you, for example, to add different plots types in a single figure. We will see more of these functions throughout the book. Now, let's see what other basic plot types the Plots
package offers.
We have created line plots suitable for representing the relationship between continuous variables and ordered points. However, we sometimes deal with points without a meaningful order, where scatter plots are a better option. There are two ways to create scatter plots with Plots
– using the plot
function and the seriestype
attribute, or using the scatterplot
The default seriestype
for Plots
is :path
, which creates the line plots. You can check that by running default(:seriestype)
, which returns the default value of a given attribute, written as a symbol. But we can set seriestype
to :scatter
to create a scatter plot – for example, let's plot the sin
function using a scatter plot:
plot(sin, 0, 2pi, seriestype=:scatter)
Most of the series types define a shorthand function with the same name and the corresponding bang function – in this case, the scatter
and scatter!
functions. The following code produces the same plot as the previous one, using the seriestype
scatter(sin, 0, 2pi)
The resulting plot is as follows:
Figure 1.10 – A scatter plot
Note that the density of dots in the figure highlights the grid of x values that Plots
created, using its adaptative algorithm to obtain a smooth line.
Bar plots are helpful when comparing a continuous variable, encoded as the bar height, across the different values of a discrete variable. We can construct them using the :bar
series type or the bar
and bar!
functions. Another way to input data can come in handy when constructing bar plots – when we call the plot function using a single vector, range, or matrix as the first argument, Plots
sets x to match the index number. Let's create a bar plot using this trick:
using Random heights = rand(MersenneTwister(1234), 10)
This creates a vector of random numbers to define the bar heights. We loaded the Random
standard library to make a random number generator, with 1234
as a seed to see the same plot.
to create a bar plot, where the first value of heights corresponds to x equal to one, the second is equal to two, and so on. Note that the value of x indicates the midpoint of the bar. The resulting plots should look like this:
Figure 1.11 – A bar plot
You can also make x explicit by running bar(1:10, heights)
on the last step; the result should be the same.
The previous series type plotted a series for each column in an input matrix. Heatmaps are the plot type that we want if we prefer to see the structure of the input matrix. The magnitude of each value in the matrix is encoded using a color scale. Let's create a heatmap that matches the input matrix:
using Random matrix = rand(MersenneTwister(1), 10, 10)
hm = heatmap(matrix)
to generate a heatmap. Note that the heatmap
function plots the first matrix element at the bottom at (1, 1)
.plot!(hm, yflip=true)
to fix that. Here, the plot!
function modifies the value of the yflip
attribute. yflip
puts the value 1
of the y axis at the top when you set it to true
. Now, the order colors match the order of the elements in the matrix:Figure 1.12 – A heatmap
We have seen how to create the most basic plot types using Plots
. Let's now see how to compose them into single figures, taking advantage of the Plots
layout system.
Let's see the easiest way to compose multiple plots into a single figure. You can do it by simply passing plot objects to the plot
function. By default, Plots
will create a figure with a simple layout, where all plots have the same size. Plots
orders the subplots according to their order in the attributes – for example, the following code creates a plot pane with two columns; the first column contains the plot of the sin
function, and the second column the cos
function plot:
plot(plot(cos), plot(sin))
In the following figure, we can see the plot created by the previous code:
Figure 1.13 – A default subplot grid
We can use the grid
function and the layout
attribute of the plot
function to customize the behavior – for example, we can have the two plots in a column rather than in a row by defining a grid with two rows and one column:
plot(plot(cos), plot(sin), layout = grid(2, 1))
The resulting plot will look like the one in the following figure:
Figure 1.14 – A single-column layout
The grid
function can take the widths
and heights
keyword arguments. Those arguments take a vector or tuple of floating-point numbers between 0
and 1
, defining the relative proportion of the total width or height assigned to each subplot. Note that the length of the collection for widths
should be identical to the number of columns, while the length for heights
should match the number of rows in the grid layout – for example, the following code creates a panel with four plots arranged in a matrix of 2
by 2
. The first column takes 80% (0.8
) of the plot width, and the first row takes only 20% (0.2
) of the total plot height:
plot(sin), plot(cos),
plot(asin), plot(acos),
layout = grid(2, 2,
heights=[0.2, 0.8],
widths=[0.8, 0.2]),
link = :x
This code generates the following plots:
Figure 1.15 – A layout with user-defined sizes and linked x axes
Note that we have used the link
attribute of a plot to link the x axes of each subplot column. You can use the link
attribute to link the :x
axes, the :y
axes, or :both
In those examples, we called the plot
function inside the outer plot
to create each argument, as each subplot is simple. It is better to store each subplot into variables for more complex figures. We will explore layouts in more depth in Chapter 11, Defining Plot Layouts to Create Figure Panels.
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