Snowflake Cookbook
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Through this recipe, we will share data through a secure view to another Snowflake account. We will create the secure view, create a share, and assign the necessary grants for the view and the share to function correctly. If you need to share data from multiple databases, creating a secure view and sharing it is the recommended option.
You will need to be connected to your Snowflake instance via the web UI or the SnowSQL client to execute this recipe. We will be acting as a data provider and sharing data with another Snowflake account, acting as the data consumer. Therefore, you will need to know the consumer Snowflake account and, more specifically, you will need to know the consumer account name.
Since we will be creating and consuming a share, which is an account level activity, ACCOUNTADMIN
-level access is required on the Snowflake account acting as a provider and on the consumer Snowflake account...