Snowflake Cookbook
By :

In this recipe, we will be walking you through the creation of JavaScript-based Scalar UDFs and demonstrating the usage of JavaScript-based UDFs.
You will need to be connected to your Snowflake instance via the Web UI or the SnowSQL client to execute this recipe.
We will be creating a series of UDFs to demonstrate the various JavaScript UDF capabilities provided by Snowflake. We will start by creating a simple UDF and will gradually increase the complexity of the UDFs that we create. The basic syntax for creating a JavaScript-based UDF is similar to the syntax for creating a SQL UDF, but with a slight difference. The difference is that if you do not specify the LANGUAGE
attribute, a UDF will default to the SQL language. The syntax for a JavaScript-based UDF is as follows:
CREATE FUNCTION <name> ( [ <arg_name> <arg_data_type> ] ) RETURNS <result_data_type> [ LANGUAGE...