Snowflake Cookbook
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This recipe walks you through extracting data from a Snowflake table. We will extract the data into an internal stage and later demonstrate how to do the same via an external stage, which will result in data being written to an S3 bucket.
You should have a table already created and populated, from which we will extract data. This table can be any table that you have previously loaded as part of this chapter or any other table available in your environment.
Ensure that you have followed the steps in the Configuring Snowflake access to private S3 buckets recipe and have enabled read and write access for Snowflake to your bucket. If write access is not present, Snowflake will not be able to write the extract into your bucket.
We will use SnowSQL to get the file from the internal stage to the local directory, so make sure that SnowSQL is installed on your system and you can successfully connect to your Snowflake instance. We don...