As with VGG, Keras provides an implementation of Inception V3, optionally, with weights pretrained on ImageNet. tf.keras.applications.InceptionV3() (refer to the documentation at has the same signature as the one presented for VGG.
We have mentioned AlexNet, the winning solution of ILSVRC 2012, as well as VGGNet and GoogLeNet, which prevailed during the 2014 edition. You might be wondering who won in 2013. The challenge that year was dominated by the ZFNet architecture (named after its creators, Matthew Zeiler and Rob Fergus from New York University). If ZFNet is not covered in this chapter, it is because its architecture was not particularly innovative, and has not really been reused afterward.
However, Zeiler and Fergus' significant contribution lay somewhere else—they developed and applied several operations to the visualization of CNNs (such as unpooling and transposed convolution, also known as deconvolution...
However, Zeiler and Fergus' significant contribution lay somewhere else—they developed and applied several operations to the visualization of CNNs (such as unpooling and transposed convolution, also known as deconvolution...