Linux Kernel Programming
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Okay, so back to our discussion. We have now booted into our newly built kernel. But hang on, please don’t blindly assume that everything’s just fine; let’s actually verify that.
The empirical approach is always best; in this section, let’s verify that we are indeed running the (6.1.25) kernel we just built and that it has indeed been configured as we intended. We start by examining the kernel version:
$ uname -r
Indeed, we are now running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on our just-custom-built 6.1.25 LTS kernel! Further variations of the uname utility show us the machine hardware name and the OS is as planned: we’re on the x86_64 running GNU/Linux:
$ uname -m ; uname -o
Moving along, recall our discussion in Chapter 2, Building the 6.x Linux Kernel from Source – Part 1, in the Sample usage of the make menuconfig UI section, where we performed a couple...