Data Cleaning and Exploration with Machine Learning
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We can often get good results by using a linear SVC model. When we have more than two features, there is no easy way to visualize whether our data is linearly separable or not. We often decide on linear or nonlinear based on hyperparameter tuning. For this section, we will assume we can get good performance with a linear model and soft margins.
We will work with data on National Basketball Association (NBA) games in this section. The dataset has statistics from each NBA game from the 2017/2018 season through the 2020/2021 season. This includes the home team, whether the home team won, the visiting team, shooting percentages for visiting and home teams, turnovers, rebounds, and assists by both teams, and a number of other measures.
NBA game data is available for download for the public at https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/wyattowalsh/basketball. This dataset has game data starting with the 1946/1947 NBA season. It uses nba_api
to pull stats from nba.com...