Adobe Animate 2022 for Creative Professionals
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Layer Parenting is a feature of Advanced Layers mode that allows us to establish nested parent-child relationships between actual layers within the timeline of a document. The benefit of doing so is that we can create a rig across our layers in this way, through which the manipulation of any parent layer will also apply to its children and grandchildren.
A good way to envision this relationship is to visualize a human arm. If you want to move the hand without any other arm parts, it can easily be rotated at the wrist and will not affect the lower or upper arm. Moving the lower or upper arm, however, will also change the position of the hand since it has an attachment to both of those additional structures. Layer Parenting works in much the same way but allows no incidental movements across other structures as more natural physical motion would.
Animating through Layer Parenting is very precise in that the rotations, positioning...