The Missing Bootstrap 5 Guide
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Chapter 1, Why and How to Customize Bootstrap, explores why we would want to customize Bootstrap 5, what can be customized (what the most important parts to customize are), and how that’s done.
Chapter 2, Using and Compiling Sass, covers what Sass is, and we will learn about its features and benefits, how to use it, how to compile it into regular CSS, and the Sass features used by Bootstrap 5.
Chapter 3, Downloading and Exploring the Bootstrap 5 Sass Files, shows how to download Bootstrap 5 and then takes a closer look at the Bootstrap 5 Sass files and Sass variables, including how they are structured.
Chapter 4, Bootstrap 5 Global Options and Colors, delves into how to import the Bootstrap 5 Sass partials individually, how to change the global options, and how to customize the colors.
Chapter 5, Customizing Various Bootstrap 5 Elements, explores how to customize the visual style of the Bootstrap 5 elements: layout, content, forms, components, helpers, and utilities.
Chapter 6, Understanding and Using the Bootstrap 5 Utility API, examines how to use the utility API to generate and add new simple and complex utilities, as well as overwrite, modify, and remove existing utilities.
Chapter 7, Creating the Website Using Default Bootstrap 5 Elements, takes a closer look at the website we will create, including a description of the page setup, a description of global modules, and a description of the page types.
Chapter 8, Customizing the Website Using Bootstrap 5 Variables, Utility API, and Sass, shows how to customize our website by setting some global options, defining our own colors, changing the styling of various Bootstrap 5 elements, and using the utility API.
Chapter 9, Improving the Website with Interactive Features Using JavaScript, covers customizing the feel of our website by adding different interactive features, using the JavaScript-based components of Bootstrap 5 as well as custom JavaScript.
Chapter 10, Using Bootstrap 5 with Advanced Sass and CSS Features, looks at advanced Sass and CSS features related to Bootstrap 5, including how to use Sass mixins, functions, and extends, how to use CSS custom properties, and how to use the RFS plugin.
Chapter 11, Using Bootstrap 5 with Advanced JavaScript Features, examines the advanced JavaScript features that can be used with the interactive components of Bootstrap 5, including initialization, options, methods, and events.
Chapter 12, Optimizing Bootstrap 5 CSS and JavaScript Code, delves into how to optimize the compiled CSS by specifying the components we use and removing unused helpers and utilities, and how to use a module bundler to optimize JavaScript and minify both the compiled CSS and bundled JavaScript.