The Missing Bootstrap 5 Guide
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You can download Bootstrap 5 in different ways. Here, I’ll show you three.
From the official Bootstrap website at getbootstrap.com, you can download the Bootstrap files from the Download page in the Getting started section of Docs: getbootstrap.com/docs/5.2/getting-started/download.
From that Download page, you can download a compiled version of the Bootstrap 5 CSS and JavaScript files or you can download the source files, which contain all the Sass code, JavaScript code, and documentation files. We want the source files, so you should click the purple Download source button to download a ZIP file containing everything we need.
The source code for Bootstrap 5 can be downloaded from the official GitHub repository at github.com/twbs/bootstrap. To download it from there, you first click the green Code button to expand a popover. From there, you can get the URL to clone it using Git with the following...