The Missing Bootstrap 5 Guide
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The website is an online store with shopping-related pages for a product overview, product details, wishlist, shopping cart, and checkout flow, as well as more content-related pages for various information. It has a total of 12 pages with eight of them being unique in structure and layout, and the remaining four using the same structure and layout.
The website has been designed and developed using only default Bootstrap 5 elements and the content consists of placeholder text and images. Because of this, the website has a wireframe-like appearance. However, if you substitute all text and images, the website will look more real.
As you probably are aware, Bootstrap 5 only contains code for the frontend of a website. Because of this, all the advanced features of the website that require communication with a backend have not been implemented. This includes the search functionality, filters, sorting, form submission, and more. In Chapter 9, Improving the Website...