The Missing Bootstrap 5 Guide
By :

We will start this chapter by getting an overview of the interactive components of Bootstrap 5. For each component listed here, we will see which JavaScript file is being used, whether it requires custom initialization, which options, methods, and events it has, whether it has any dependencies, and for some of them also some additional information. In the following sections, we will then look closer at initialization, options, methods, and events, so this should just be regarded as an overview. At the end of the list, there’s also a summary to highlight the most important differences.
This component is built using the collapse component described later.
JavaScript file: alert.js
Custom initialization: No
Options: None
Methods: close
, dispose
, getInstance
, getOrCreateInstance
Events: close.bs.alert
, closed.bs.alert
Dependencies: None
This component can be dismissed with the close button component...