Draw and Paint Better with Krita
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Brightness and contrast are probably terms you've seen before, either in the context of digital art or perhaps even as a setting on your computer monitor or television set. Essentially, Brightness is the overall lightness (or darkness) of a display or image, while Contrast is the amount of distance between the darkest darks and the lightest lights on a display or image (also known as…you guessed it, the value range!).
Wait, haven't we already done this? While it is true that your brightness and contrast decisions are made fairly early into your project by doing things such as selecting your value range (the amount of contrast between your lights and darks), and the location on the value scale that your piece will inhabit (the darkness/lightness, or brightness of your overall piece), it's never a bad thing to have a "second opinion" from Krita as you've worked on your piece for a while. Much like tweaking your...
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour