Mastering Adobe Photoshop Elements 2021
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The Paint Bucket tool, as its name suggests, works like a real bucket of paint. Choose a color from the Tool Bar Color Picker, click in the image, and it will throw a bucket of color across the image. OK—so your beautiful landscape is now all black (or whatever color was picked up in the Picker). By default, Paint Bucket has several adjustments:
- Opacity (which works as if you are watering the "paint" down).
- Blend Mode (which affects how the paint color reacts with the pixels it's poured over.
- Contiguous mode (which means it only affects similar-colored pixels if they are adjoining each other).
- Tolerance (which dictates how sensitive it is to identifying similar-colored pixels over which it spreads). The default number of 255 means the paint covers the entire image regardless of what you clicked. Set to a smaller value, such as 15
, and it only affects
pixels that are very similar in tone to the ones initially clicked.