Mastering Adobe Photoshop Elements 2021
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Elements has this great new AI-driven selection feature, Object Removal, designed to make the retouching process as easy and as painless as possible.
Step one: Choose the feature (Guided Edit>Basics>Object Removal).
Step two: Choose one of the selection tools to match the type or accuracy of selection needed—in this example, I used Selection Brush, which lays a red mask over the painted area. You can modify the accuracy of this brush by choosing the Add or Subtract buttons. My "selection" was a bit over-generous but once Remove Object is pressed, the magic happens. In this example, the surfer in the background disappeared seamlessly in a matter of seconds.
Although Guided Edit's Object Removal feature is a great feature, Adobe has developed another sophisticated AI-driven selection tool simply named Select Subject (Select>Subject).
As its name suggests, its job is to select the subject...