React and React Native
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In this chapter, we'll build a Todo example for React that uses GraphQL to handle its data. This example is based on a popular open source library (https://todomvc.com/examples/react/), which is a robust, yet concise, starting point for creating the Todo application for this chapter.
I'm going to walk you through an example React implementation of a Todo app. Also, you can find a React Native implementation of this same web app in the GitHub repository for this chapter. The key is that the mobile version will use the same GraphQL backend as the web UI. I think this is a win for React developers who want to build both web and native versions of their apps as they can share the same schema!
The code for this chapter contains both a web version build with React and a native version with React Native. If you've worked on frontend development in the past 5 years, you've probably come across a sample Todo app. Here's what the web version...