WordPress Plugin Development Cookbook
By :

As you transcribe code segments from the pages of this book or start writing your own plugins, there is a strong chance that you will have to troubleshoot problems with your code. You might also run into trouble working with data that your plugin is meant to manipulate. This recipe shows basic techniques to identify and quickly resolve these errors while creating a plugin that will hide an item from the navigation menu for users who are not logged in to your site.
Follow these steps to learn how to troubleshoot problematic plugin code:
directory of your development installation.ch2-nav-menu-filter
.Chapter 2 - Nav Menu Filter
.add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_objects', 'ch2nmf_new_nav_menu_items', 10, 2 );
function. Note that the word functio
is mistyped on purpose at the beginning of the first line:functio ch2nmf_new_nav_menu_items ( $sorted_menu_items, $args ) { print_r( $sorted_menu_items ); return $sorted_menu_items; }
If you are using a dedicated code editor, you should be able to tell that the functio
text is not a recognized keyword, since it will not be colored as a PHP keyword and might also be underlined to indicate an error.
Figure 2.7 – A fatal error upon plugin activation due to a syntax error
, and save the file.function
to re-introduce a syntax error, and save the file.Main Menu
in the Menu Name field. Check the appropriate Display location checkboxes to assign your new menu to the theme's main navigation area. The exact name of this location will change based on the theme you're using. Click on Create menu to save your menu./privatearea
and the Link Text to Private Area
; then, click on Add to Menu:Figure 2.8 – Creating a new menu item
function and is meant to help us understand how the data received by our filter function is organized. Once we have a good understanding of that data, we will be able to properly make changes to this information in the next step. To view the print_r
data in a more organized way, bring up the View Page Source function of your browser and search for the keyword Array
to quickly find the menu data.print_r
function call with the following code:// Check if used is logged in, continue if not logged if ( is_user_logged_in() == FALSE ) { // Loop through all menu items received // Place each item's key in $key variable foreach ( $sorted_menu_items as $key => $sorted_menu_item ) { // Check if menu item matches search string if ( 'Private Area' == $sorted_menu_item->title ) { // Remove item from menu array if found // using item key unset( $sorted_menu_items[ $key ] ); } } }
As WordPress assembles a list of all available plugins to display them in the administration interface, it does not check to see whether each plugin's PHP code is valid. This check is only done when a plugin is activated. At that time, any syntax error will be caught immediately and the newly activated plugin will remain inactive, preventing a failure of the entire website.
That being said, once a plugin is activated, its code is evaluated every time WordPress renders a web page, and any subsequent code error that gets saved to the plugin file will cause the site to stop working correctly. For this reason, it is highly recommended to set up a local development environment, as discussed in Chapter 1, Preparing a Local Development Environment, to avoid affecting a live site when an inevitable error creeps up in your plugin code. To avoid potential outages on a live website, it is safer to deactivate plugins before making changes to them and then reactivate them once changes are completed. This way, all changes are validated before the plugin code is reactivated. It should be noted that, with this method, the plugin's functionality won't be available on your site while you make changes, so it is not an optimal way to modify deployed code.
Once the code is working correctly, the second part of this recipe shows us how to visualize the information received by a registered filter function. While the WordPress Codex website provides great documentation of the purpose of most available filters, it does not go into detail about the structure of the information that is sent to each filter function.
Thankfully, the PHP print_r
function comes in very handy, since it can display the content of any variable on the screen, no matter what information is stored in the variable that it receives as an argument.
Last, but not least, the implementation of the custom filter function uses the WordPress API is_user_logged_in()
function to see whether the person viewing the site has provided login credentials. If the return value of the function is true
, our code goes on to parse all the menu items and remove the Private Area menu item.
This is the second time in this chapter that we ask you to activate a theme other than the default WordPress 5.9 Twenty Twenty-Two theme. With WordPress 5.9, WordPress is introducing a new theme-building paradigm where users will be able to modify their site layout using a graphical tool. Some action and filter hooks don't work with this new theme structure in this first version. That being said, all code samples in this book work with the large majority of themes that are available today and are running on most WordPress sites.
In addition to the debugging techniques used in this recipe, WordPress offers a number of built-in tools to facilitate plugin troubleshooting.
While the wp-config.php
file, located at the top of the WordPress file structure, is primarily used to store basic site configuration data, it can also be used to trigger a number of debugging features. The first of these is debug mode, which will display all PHP errors, warnings, and notices at the top of site pages. For example, having this option active will show any undefined variables that you try to access in your code along with any deprecated WordPress function. To activate this tool, change the second parameter of the line defining the WP_DEBUG
constant from false
to true
in wp_config.php
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
line does not appear in your development site's wp-config.php
file, you can add it before the line that reads the following:
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */
To prevent debug messages from affecting the site's layout, you can download a useful plugin called Debug Bar (https://wordpress.org/plugins/debug-bar/) to collect messages and display them in the admin bar, as shown here:
Figure 2.9 – The Debug Bar plugin
Other debugging features that can be activated from the wp-config.php
file are as follows:
: Stores all debug messages in a file named debug.log
in the site's wp-content
directory for later analysisWP_DEBUG_DISPLAY
: Indicates whether error messages should be displayed on the siteSAVEQUERIES
: Stores database queries in a variable that can be displayed in the page footer (see https://wordpress.org/support/article/editing-wp-config-php/#save-queries-for-analysis for more information)While all of the debugging techniques mentioned in this chapter are valid, they do require manual intervention to insert and remove code, especially in the case of the print_r
function called to view data received by the filter function. If you forget to remove a manual debugging statement, your users will end up with debug data on their site if you distribute your work.
As you become more invested in plugin development, you should consider setting up a development server that supports Xdebug. One of the benefits of this debugging tool is that coding errors will be displayed with more details about where they were found and the code that was executed leading up to the error. More importantly, Xdebug allows developers to connect a code editor such as Visual Studio Code to the web server to be able to step through each individual line of code as they are executed. It is also possible to set breakpoints to stop execution in specific places and see data in all variables every step of the way.
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