Windows Terminal Tips, Tricks, and Productivity Hacks
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One of the headline features of Windows Terminal is the tab UI, which helps when performing multiple tasks simultaneously. In the old Windows terminal, conhost.exe
, the main way of performing multiple tasks was to have multiple windows open at the same time. However, this can result in "losing" the terminal windows amidst all the other applications that are open, and it can be frustrating to find the correct terminal when Alt + tabbing between applications.
Additionally, Windows 10, like other operating systems, supports multiple different shells. Out of the box, Windows includes PowerShell and the command prompt, with additional shells such as PowerShell Core and those under Windows Subsystem for Linux just a few clicks away. With the older conhost.exe
, each of these shells would typically each have their own window, further increasing our multiple window woes:
Figure 2.1 – Quick! Which window is that terminal we were...