Windows Terminal Tips, Tricks, and Productivity Hacks
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adjustFontSize – Increases or decreases the font size. It takes a required integer delta
property that represents how much to change the size by, in points.
closeOtherTabs – Closes all tabs except one. It takes an optional integer index
property that specifies which tab to keep open. If omitted, it uses the currently active tab.
closePane – Closes the current pane. It does not take any properties.
closeTab – Closes the current tab. It does not take any properties.
closeTabsAfter – Closes all tabs after the specified tab. It takes an optional integer index
property that specifies the tab. If omitted, it uses the currently active tab.
closeWindow – Closes the current window. It does not take any properties.
commandPalette – Opens the command palette. It takes an optional string launchMode
property that can contain either "action"
or "commandLine"
. The value "action...