Windows Terminal Tips, Tricks, and Productivity Hacks
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In this section, we'll see how to use Windows Terminal with Google Cloud. Google Cloud is decidedly more "Linux-oriented" than Microsoft Azure; while it's definitely possible and supported to use Windows, some operations are just easier on Linux. For this reason, we'll be using the WSL2 installation that we set up previously in Chapter 3, Configuring an Ubuntu Linux profile.
Like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud supports both a cloud shell and rich command-line tools for managing resources. Google Cloud Shell is a virtual machine running in Google Cloud, with common tools and languages pre-installed. It contains the programming language runtimes for .NET Core, Java, Go, Python 2 and 3, Node.js, Ruby, and PHP, and other tools such as TensorFlow and Docker are pre-installed as well. It can be accessed from Windows Terminal, the Google Cloud Console mobile app, and online at https://shell.cloud.google.com.